Puppy/New Dog Prep
A 1hr in person consultation to help you set up your space, set your expectations, create a schedule, and more – $100
Having a confident, well established game plan before your new dog comes home will make a huge difference in the
experience for both you and the dog. Bringing in a professional to help lay the groundwork for those early days
and get answers to your questions about the what, when, and how of a new dog.
Puppy Training
6 weeks of 1hr/week of private in home training and a 30 min video call follow up for questions, adjustments, and keeping up
with the fast pace of puppy development – $1,000
Puppies are an amazing combination of genetics and environment. Helping them develop into confident, friendly, well
rounded companions takes a lot of time, skill, knowledge, and energy, as well as constant adaptation. Training at this
early stage will help to both develop the behaviors you want and avoid the habits you don’t. The earlier you curb an
unwanted behavior the better chance you have of not bringing it with you into your dogs adulthood. An ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure!
Puppy Intensive
3 week Board & Train program and then 3 weeks of at home lessons – $3,000
Do you want all the benefits of a new puppy without the (sometimes overwhelming) responsibility of raising it on your own?
The puppy intensive program takes advantage of Noah’s experience and expertise in dog development in order to give you
the best of both worlds. Let him teach the potty training, door manners, basic commands, leash skills, and proper greeting
while you get to focus on relationship, routine, and applying those skills in your life together.